Lisa is a transformational executive expat career coach and author with personal expatriate experience. With a sixth sense for cross-cultural insights, she reveals how the invisible hand of culture drives your behavior in ways you never imagined. She demonstrates new “ways of seeing” ourselves and others for executives and high-potential employees with careers in global transition. She enables organizational leaders of the future to deliver strong results, credibly, by mastering new types of expertise, and recognizing behavior that counts.
She shepherds’ executives – employed at BASF, BNP Paribas, Christie’s Auction House, Contructel/Orange, Deutsche Bank, Ernst & Young, L'Oréal, Mars, Nestlé, Maybelline, Regimbeau, TOTAL, Sanofi, SIRVA, Unilever, University of Mary, Vanguard – with intimate and fluid coaching sessions to discover “new ways of seeing” ourselves and others. She delivers intercultural adaptation programs that have been well-received by Babel Group, CrossCulture-Academy, Crown, Cross Cultural Consultants Network, Globiana, TMA World, Intrepid Relocation, BGRS, Global Dynamics, Human Entrance, IKG Global Consultants, IOR World, Kwintessential, NetExpat, Learnlight, CERAN, and Interkultura across teams and across cultures, through the lenses of personality, gender, age, family, and sexual orientation for a transformational space to process concerns.
As a speaker, Lisa has created conversations around culture’s consequences for WeWork, SHRM New York, Global Business HR, Duty of Care, SIETAR Europa Congress. She’s delivered guest lectures for academic institutions about the importance of intercultural communication in global business to CETYS Universidad Mexico, EDHEC Graduate School of Management France and CUNY Baruch College Zicklin School of Business. Developed online courseware, audio, and video guides for CultureWise, Globiana.com, and PassportCareer.com.
As a contributor to the body of intercultural literature, Lisa has authored numerous business guides and is the official Argonaut United States of America Cultural Correspondent. She’s written for Global Living Magazine, HuffPost, New Jersey Monthly, and The Greek National Herald. She’s been quoted and interviewed by Forbes Woman, PRI’s The World, and Noomii. Her Globalista Gal Minute podcasts are available on iHeart Radio and Sound Cloud. Currently, she’s at work on a guide for Americans abroad called 101.culture.hacks available on Amazon, and has done cultural script consultanting for DreamWorks Animation TV.
With graduate work in applied business anthropology, Lisa is a member of the International Coaching Federation, Expat Coach Association, SIETAR Europa, American Society of Journalists and Authors, SheSource, and a licensed CultureConnector intercultural assessment facilitator. She proudly serves as a founding Board Member of Pastoralist Child Foundation.